Plastics News |
PlasticsEurope Deutschland sees a strong Industry in a Difficult Market EnvironmentEconomic development of the plastics manufacturing industry Europe is an important location for plastics manufacturing, accounting for 15 percent of the worldwide production. Major strengths of the European industry include its innovative and quality products, a high level of investment in research and development, the close cooperation within the value chain, and the proximity to its clients. A quarter of the European plastics production comes from Germany. In 2021, more than 21 million tonnes of plastics have been produced in Germany, representing a growth by over 17 percent compared to the previous year. Thus, the plastics manufacturers earned around 31 billion Euros – When it comes to trade in plastics, the member states of the European Union are of paramount importance. In 2021, approximately 70 percent of the exports went to the European Union, and more than 80 percent of the imports came from there. The most important market for plastics from Germany was Italy, followed by Poland, France, and the Netherlands. As for the imports, the Netherlands are number one, followed by Belgium, France, and Poland. Overall, the German Source: PlasticsEurope Deutschland |