Quattor: a new global petrochemical player is born in Brazil
New company brings together nine production plants of UNIPAR and PETROBRAS and will have annual revenues over U$ 5.5 billion |
Vítor Mallmann, Quattor´s CEO |
The new brazilian petrochemical company Quattor is born as a global company with worldwide reach, a production scale in global standards, a wide range of products, and enhanced competitivity, which are the needed charactertics of modern industries in a globalized world.
The name "Quattor" was inspired in alchemy and is related to the four elements of nature: water, earth, fire and air. "Quattor" is a perfect translation of the meaning of this new company: the combination of elements to shape a brand new and successful enterprise. Its shareholders are UNIPAR, with 60 % of voting shares, and PETROBRAS, with 40 % of voting shares. Quattor brings together nine production plants in the Brazilian states of Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo and Bahia, comprising the manufacture of basic petrochemicals, intermediate products and plastics resins. The company revenues should amount to over U$ 5,5 billion in 2009. These figures include Quattor among the 20 largest brazilian companies, also ranking it as the 8th largest industry in the brazilian state of Rio de Janeiro.
Having approximately 2.000 collaborators, Quattor is an important generator of direct and indirect jobs in the areas where it has businesses, allowing also for annual payments of taxes over 1.2 U$ billion.
The new company is now conducting a U$ 1.2 billion investment program with the aim of increasing its production capacity of basic petrochemicals, polyethylenes and polypropylene, which should be concluded by the end of this year. |
Collaborators |
2.000 |
Gross revenues |
U$ 5.5 billions |
Investment program |
U$ 1.2 billions |
Tax payments |
U$ 1.2 billions |
By the end of 2008, Quattor will have an overall production capacity of 2.8 millions of de tons/year of basic and intermediate petrochemicals, as well as 1.9 millions ton/year of plastics resins. It will then be responsible for approximately 40 % of the brazilian production of polyethylene and polypropylene resins.
Quattor was formed by the merge of the assets of Rio Polímeros, Suzano Petroquímica, Petroquímica União, and |
Quattor offers a complete range of plastics resins, making available to the market a variety of grades of LDPE, HDPE, LLDPE, m-PE (metallocene), EVA copolymers, as well as PP homopolymers and copolymers, with the use of diverse manufacturing technologies that correspond to the state-of-the-art of plastics resins production worldwide.
The new petrochemical company comprises two large production centers in Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo which will have together an enhanced operational flexibility due to the use of different sources of raw-materials: naphta and natural gas. The new company is also investing to pioneer in Brazil a new source of raw material for the production of ethylene: refinery gas coming from São José dos Campos´ Petrobras plant.
Quattor also has competitive advantages as a result of its locations, which are close to the brazilian largest consumer market (the Southeast region), as well as to the sources of natural gas (Campos, Santos and Espírito Santo basins) and naphta (coming from the refineries nearby).
All these facts together result in sinergies that allow for the new company to enhance its efficiency, competitivity and investment capacity. Thus, Brazil gains a company capable of growing and competing both in the domestic and in the international market.
Quattor´s CEO has a 25 years career in the petrochemical sector.
Chemical Engineer Vítor Mallmann, 46, takes charge of one of his greatest challenges in his career: he will be the executive president of the new petrochemical company Quattor. "The challenge is enormous. It is with great pleasure and sense of responsability that I received from the shareholders the appontment to hold this position", says Mallmann.
Mallmann received his degree in Chemical Engineering in 1983 from Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ). He also has a M.Sc. degree in Chemical Engineering (C oppe-UFRJ ), an Executive MBA ( Coppead ), and a MBA in Finances (Ibmec ). He started his career in the technology area and later moved to the business operations and management.
He has now 25 years of experience in the petrochemical sector, having worked at Grupo Ultra, Petroquisa e UNIPAR.
At UNIPAR, Mallmann was responsible for the operations of its fully controlled companies, and was the leader of restructuring processes at Unipar Chemical Division. He is also the president of SIRESP (Union of Plastics Resin Industries of the state of São Paulo) and the vice-president of SINPROQUIM (Union of Industries of Chemical Products for Industrial Applications and Petrochemicals of the state of São Paulo).
For further information: e-mail info@brazilianplastics.com |